Spend Less Time Thinking About Flies and More Time Enjoying Your Horses
Happy, healthy horses live in fly-free barns, and happy horse owners know that keeping flying insects under control is one of the most important things you can do to keep your animals comfortable and disease-free. Since 1979, professional horsemen have trusted Shoo-fly insecticides and automatic insect control systems to keep their barns and stables clean and pest-free. From a two-stall home barn to some of the larger theme parks in the country, Shoo-fly automatic insect control systems are custom-made for you and your animals.
Designed with You in Mind
Every day, Shoo-fly systems across the country protect over 275,000 horses from flying insects, with no adverse effects for animals or people. We designed the system for our own horses. We knew it had to be safe, and it had to work!
Safe for use around all horses, including ponies and foals
Flying insects are one of the most notorious transmitters of disease in the barn. Without an effective pest management system, the risk of infection and illness for you and your horses is increased. Shoo-fly delivers economical flying insect control for horse barns. When spraying a barn six times a day for 45-second durations, the average cost per month is approximately $12 per horse for safe, premium quality Shoo-fly insecticides.
The Shoo-Fly system has a tremendous ease-of-use. It is easy to clean and service. If we ever have a problem all we do is contact them and they provide an immediate solution.
Insecticides vs. Repellents - What to Use and What is ...Safe? In the thick of bug season, selecting the correct product for your horse or your insect control system can be a confusing process. The following commonly asked questions will help you make the ...
We would like you to meet our hard working Independent ...Distributors. Some have been with for decades and others that are just getting their business built up. If you are looking for a career change or would like to work for yourself, this could ...
In my 25 years with Shoo-fly we have gone from ...the office over the garage and the workshop/shipping & receiving in the garage to the large converted house we have used for the last 20 years.
Before the winds come blowing down from the north and ...there is ice on the buckets, you will want to make sure that your system has been properly winterized. This will make life simpler come spring when the flies return. It will save ...
Spring is coming! We have been waiting all winter ...to open up the barn, take in the fresh air, and let the horses out to enjoy the warm sunshine. You may have noticed, after being cooped up all winter, that your barn needs ...
The celebration of America's independence, culminating with a fireworks display ...is, for some, the highlight of summer. However, July 4th is arguably the most dreaded date for horse owners. While stopping fireworks displays is generally not an option, here are some tips to ...