Horses are like Children at spreading colds and snotty noses. It seems like once one gets sick it just spreads like wild fire. And just when you think you have it under control the cycle can start up again.
Anyone that has been around large barns can relate to this. If you do any kind of competition, a cold or virus will cost you in time and money while you wait for your horse to recover.
But how can we slow it down or even prevent them from getting sick?
AgriSyn is the preferred alternative to harmful chemicals. Its patented technology helps advance biosecurity efforts to provide a cleaner environment for both the facility and the animals. Unlike traditional toxic sanitizing steps such as bleach or chlorine, AgriSyn allows for an environmentally friendly alternative to cleaning that doesn’t require re-entry restrictions, is non-corrosive and can be used freely around your pets without toxic concerns.
A few useful applications when traveling or for controlling the spread of colds/viruses:
Keep in a pump up sprayer for use on tack, stall walls, feed tubs, etc.
Add to a bucket to dunk bridal/bits into between horses.
Keep a 50/50 mix in a spray bottle or foamer bottle to apply to hot spots, girth itch, scratches, sores, etc.
AgriSyn is a multipurpose biodegradable non-toxic cleaner. It is extremely effective in controlling infections and bacteria without an odor like bleach and other products. This product can be used for killing or inhibiting a microorganism or pathogen (i.e. bacteria, gram-negative bacteria, gram-positive bacteria, enteric bacteria, virus, fungus, mold, mildew or powdery mildew).
Used effectively by commercial facilities, veterinarians and professional trainers, AgriSyn is a versatile, multipurpose cleaning product for large and small animals and their surroundings. AgriSyn is an extremely affordable preventative measure to help keep your animals and their surroundings safe and clean.
With a recommended ratio of 1:50, 1 gallon of concentrate makes 50 gallons of multipurpose wash. Preferred application methods are spray bottles, hose-end sprayers or pump-up sprayers.
For topical use on sores, scraches, rain rot, use a mix of 50/50 in either a spray bottle or a pump foamer. This can be left on to dry, no need to rinse off.
Active ingredients: Patented blend of alkyl sulfonate and an alkyl sulfate
PREVENTION will cost less then the CURE! For more information about AgriSyn or our other Shoo-Fly Products, please contact us at 352.351.5858 or
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